Yoga Journal Feature: “How Yoga Transformed Me After Financial Loss and Ruin!”
I’m so excited that Yoga Journal featured me and five other fabulous yogis in their “Yoga Saved Me” movement — a collection of stories from people sharing how yoga has positively impacted and transformed their lives.
I shared “How Yoga Transformed Me After Financial Loss And Ruin!” It wasn’t always easy for me to share my story with the public. Even with close family members and friends, it was extremely difficult.
In the past, I chose not to share my story because I felt ashamed, embarrassed, terrified, and guilty. I didn’t want to be judged. I didn’t want to bother anyone about my life problems. I assumed everyone else was living a great life and not struggling with anything. I felt no one could relate or understand. I use to isolate myself, which lead to more problems.
As I continued to live my life traveling, working, and being a mother I’ve learned that everyone has a story. We all have experienced good and bad in life, but we always learn valuable lessons to use towards the next opportunity in life. We get another day to try again, to do better and to be better. We get another day to share our stories to inspire, motivate and encourage others to never give up. No matter how successful we are or how many mistakes we’ve made, we all need help with something at some point in our lives.
I’ve been inspired by so many stories that have helped me not give up on myself. I want to do the same for someone else. By sharing what I’ve been through it gives me daily reminders of how much gratitude I have for those experiences, which has lead me to my purpose in life.
Click here to read the full story on How Yoga Transformed Me After Financial Loss and Ruin!